Corporate Governance

Corporate Governance Quarterly Report
Policies & Codes
Policy On Related Party Transactions
Capital India reference rate (CIRR) of Capital India Finance Limited stands at 17.75%.
> Nodal Officer-CIFL
> Most Important Terms and Conditions Marathi
> Most Important Terms and Conditions English
> Most Important Terms and Conditions Hindi
> CIFL Procedure for release of Property Documents
> Policy for Appointment of Statutory Auditors
> Norms on Asset Classification
> Product Note On Guaranteed Emergency Credit Line Under Emergency Credit Line Guarantee Scheme
For detailed guidelines and FAQs on ECLGS visit
> Policy for Document Preservation and Archival
> Moratorium of Installments - COVID-19 Regulatory Package
> COVID Moratorium Package-II
> Materiality policy pursuant to Rights Issue
> Policy for Determination of Materiality of Event or Information for Disclosure(s)
> Internal Guidelines on Corporate Governance
> Policy on Diversity of Board of Directors
> Policy for determining Material Subsidiaries
> Interest Rate Policy
> Code of Practices & Procedures for Fair Disclosure of Unpublished Price Sensitive Information
> Prohibition of Insider Trading Code
> Fair Practice Code
> Fair Practice Code - Hindi
> Fair Practice Code - Marathi
> Grievance Redressal Policy
> Grievance Redressal Policy - Hindi
> Grievance Redressal Policy - Marathi
> Performance Evaluation Policy
> Terms and Conditions of appointment of Independent Directors
> Code of Conduct for Board of Directors and Senior Management Personnel
> Salient Features - The Reserve Bank - Integrated Ombudsman Scheme, 2021
Contact Details of KMP Policy for determination of Materiality of Events or Information
> CSR Action Plan
> Dividend Distribution Policy
> Policy on Corporate Social Responsibility
> Policy on Compensation of Directors, Executives and Other Employees
> Policy on Resolution of stressed assets due to COVID-19 for Individuals, Small Business and MSME's
> Vigil Mechanism & Whistle Blower Policy
> Familiarisation Programme for Independnet Directors
MoA & AoA
Committees of Board
A. Stakeholders Relationship Committee
S. No. | Name | Designation |
1 | Mr. Vinod Somani | Chairman |
2 | Mr. Yogendra Pal Singh | Member |
3 | Mrs. Rashmi Fauzdar | Member |
4 | Ms. Jyuthika Mahendra Jivani | Member |
B. Investment Committee
S. No. | Name | Designation |
1 | Mr. Vinod Somani | Chairman |
2 | Mr. Keshav Porwal | Member |
3 | Mr. Pinank Jayant Shah | Member |
C. Credit Committee
S. No. | Name | Designation |
1 | Mr. Vinod Somani | Chairman |
2 | Mr. Keshav Porwal | Member |
3 | Mr. Pinank Jayant Shah | Member |
4 | Mr. Chetan Bafna | Member |
D. IT Strategy Committee
S. No. | Name | Designation |
1 | Mr. Yogendra Pal Singh | Member |
2 | Mrs. Rekha Kashyap | Member |
3 | Mr. Keshav Porwal | Member |
4 | Mr. Pinank Jayant Shah | Member |
5 | Mr. V P Ravindran Menon | Member |
6 | Mr. Srinivas Nidumolu | Member |
E. Securities Issuance Committee
S. No. | Name | Designation |
1 | Mr. Vinod Somani | Chairman |
2 | Mr. Keshav Porwal | Member |
3 | Mr. Pinank Jayant Shah | Member |
F. Corporate Social Responsibility Committee
S. No. | Name | Designation |
1 | Mr. Yogendra Pal Singh | Chairman |
2 | Mrs. Rashmi Fauzdar | Member |
3 | Ms. Jyuthika Mahendra Jivani | Member |
4 | Mr. Keshav Porwal | Member |
G. Management Committee
S. No. | Name | Designation |
1 | Mr. Keshav Porwal | Chairman |
2 | Mr. Pinank Jayant Shah | Member |
3 | Mr. V P Ravindran Menon | Member |
H. Asset-Liability Committee
S. No. | Name | Designation |
1 | Mr. Vinod Somani | Chairman |
2 | Mrs. Rashmi Fauzdar | Member |
3 | Mr. Keshav Porwal | Member |
4 | Mr. Pinank Jayant Shah | Member |
5 | Mr. Vikas Srivastava | Member |
6 | Mr. Chetan Bafna | Member |
I. Audit Committee
S. No. | Name | Designation |
1 | Mr. Vinod Somani | Chairman |
2 | Mr. Yogendra Pal Singh | Member |
3 | Mrs. Rashmi Fauzdar | Member |
4 | Ms. Jyuthika Mahendra Jivani | Member |
J. Nomination and Remuneration Committee
S. No. | Name | Designation |
1 | Mr. Yogendra Pal Singh | Chairman |
2 | Mr. Vinod Somani | Member |
3 | Mrs. Rashmi Fauzdar | Member |
K. Risk Management Committee
S. No. | Name | Designation |
1 | Mrs. Rashmi Fauzdar | Member |
2 | Mr. Vinod Somani | Member |
3 | Ms. Jyuthika Mahendra Jivani | Member |
4 | Mr. Keshav Porwal | Member |
L. Write-off and Settlement Committee
S. No. | Name | Designation |
1 | Mr. Yogendra Pal Singh | Chairman |
2 | Mr. Vikas Srivastava | Member |
3 | Mr. Dilbag Dahiya | Member |
M. IT Steering Committee
S. No. | Name | Designation |
1 | Mr. Srinivas Nidumolu | Chairman |
2 | Mr. Chetan Bafna | Member |
3 | Mr. Vikas Srivastava | Member |
4 | Mr. Subhendu Bhanja | Member |
5 | Ms. Shraddha Kamat | Member |
6 | Mr. Hemant Lala | Member |
N. Information Security Committee
S. No. | Name | Designation |
1 | Mr. Rahul Binod | Chairman |
2 | Mr. Srinivas Nidumolu | Member |
O. Product Evaluation Committee
S. No. | Name | Designation |
1 | Mr. Pinank Shah | Chairman |
2 | Mr. Chetan Bafna | Member |
3 | Mr. Hemant Lala | Member |
4 | Mr. Subhendu Bhanja | Member |
5 | Mr. Sulabh Kaushal | Member |
P. Review Committee
S. No. | Name | Designation |
1 | Mr. Pinank Jayant Shah | Chairman |
2 | Mr. Vinod Somani | Member |
3 | Mrs. Rashmi Fauzdar | Member |
Q. Identification Committee
S. No. | Name | Designation |
1 | Mr. Chetan Bafna | Chairman |
2 | Mr. Subhendu Bhanja | Member |
3 | Mr. Dilbag Dahiya | Member |
Other Directorships
A. Mr. Keshav Porwal, Managing Director
S. No. | Company’s name | Designation |
1 | Capital India Home Loans Limited | Chairman & Non-Executive Director |
2 | Rapipay Fintech Private Limited | Non-Executive Director |
3 | Capital India Asset Management Private Limited | Non-Executive Director |
4 | Capital India Wealth Management Private Limited | Non-Executive Director |
5 | NYE Investech Private Limited | Non-Executive Director |
6 | CIFL Holdings Private Limited | Non-Executive Director |
7 | SBKP Consultancy Private Limited | Non-Executive Director |
8 | Yellow Whale Technologies Private Limited | Non-Executive Director |
B. Mr. Vinod Somani, Non-Executive Chairman (Independent)
S. No. | Company’s Name | Designation |
1 | Capital India Home Loans Limited | Independent Director |
2 | Rapipay Fintech Private Limited | Independent Director |
3 | K. G. Somani Management Consultants Private Limited | Director |
4 | NTB International Pvt Ltd | Director |
5 | Capitall India Private Limited | Director |
6 | ICMAI Registered Valuers Organisation | Director |
7 | K. G. Somani Insolvency Professionals Private Limited | Director |
C. Mr. Yogendra Pal Singh, Independent Director
S. No. | Company’s Name | Designation |
1 | Capital India Home Loans Limited | Independent Director |
2 | Rapipay Fintech Private Limited | Independent Director |
D. Mrs. Rashmi Fauzdar, Independent Women Director
S. No. | Company’s Name | Designation |
1 | Capital India Home Loans Limited | Independent Woman Director |
2 | Rapipay Fintech Private Limited | Independent Woman Director |
3 | Digidios Payments Services Private Limited | Additional Director |
4 | I Money Pay Private Limited | Director |
5 | Appnit Technologies Private Limited | Independent Woman Director |
E. Mrs. Jyuthika Mahendra Jivani, Independent Women Director
S. No. | Company’s Name | Designation |
1 | NIL |
F. General Dalbir Singh Suhag (Retd.), Independent Director
S. No. | Company’s Name | Designation |
1 | NIL |